This web-site has been developed for you to showcase all that is good in life. Dimitri and Ion will take you through a journey of discovery. Through their eyes and that of the lens, they provide insight into what they consider to be worthy of recognition, praise and at times, criticism.
"What we have tried to achieve here is to share with one and all, the best that life has to offer. A picture tells a thousand words and is also much more appealing to look at. With this web-site, we illustrate some of the things that we are really passionate about - good food, good times, good looks, great places, and above all, great company, as well as a couple of reflections on how good life can be. Our main objective was to capture the emotion that we felt there and then through photographs. We hope you enjoy our site. Thanks for visiting and remember... "Don't be a prisoner of your own style" Ion and Dimitri, 19-07-2005
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